
11. Secondment at LAMES - IFSTTAR, Nantes, France

Hi friends,

Today I would like to talk to you all about my secondment at IFSTTAR! I had been really busy to write about it and I should say that it was an amazing experience, so, I wanted to write a good post about it and for that, I was needing some extra time. 
First of all, my secondment was supervised by Dr. Pierre Hornych and Dr. Juliette Blanc from the Laboratory for Modelling, Experimentation and Survey of transport infrastructures (LAMES) of IFSTTAR. I should say that I feel really grateful because not just them, if not, all their work team, researchers, students, and technicians, made me felt like at home. The work environment they have there is great, so, I should say that my coupling there was really quick and I could learn so much for just a month. I really would have liked to be there for more time!

Natasha (ESR15 of SMARTI) and Domenico (ESR3 of SMARTI) are based there, so, I could share more time with them, which was also great, and learn a little bit more about their awesome projects!

During this secondment, I learned about LAMES experience in instrumentation that is possible to use in real scale experiments in the field and at the Carrousel-LAMES facilities. Also, how to treat the corresponding data: back-calculation using the Alizé software, viscoelastic analysis using the Viscoanalyse software and dynamic analysis using the Viscoroute software.

At the end, with their advice, I defined a proposal of instrumentation that could be possible to use in the next step of my project. Although I am not going to build it, it was really useful to have their support in this part of the project.

It sounds that the project is ending, and well, yes, we are starting our last year, so, the time had passed really fast, and now we can see how much we had grown, how we had become a kind of family. We won´t be strangers anymore (the sensitive woman appears again, I am sorry).

I guess I should stop here for the moment, but I promise you all that I am going to share more things like this. Thanks for being tuned.

Keep in touch,


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