Free training

12.1. The role of the roads in the industry of the autonomous vehicles

Hi friends! 

Finally, I am here again! The last year of my PhD is starting, and as it is usual lastly, I have a lot of work to do (if you are or were a PhD student, you know what I am talking about).

This time, I want to talk to you about the European Researchers Night in which I will participate this year in Granada! I am going to present something related with the project I am developing as Marie Curie fellow! In the following link you can see the information of the event:

I am sorry, the information is in Spanish, so, here the translation: 

The necessities for the development of the roads for the smart cities from future are more durable roads, with lower maintenance costs, safer, energetically self-sufficient, capable to interact and to communicate with the user and the whole road system for the traffic control and the vehicular transit of vehicles in a autonomous way. 

In this sense, an important task is the development of smart materials which should be capable to be adapted and to work according to the necessities presents in the environment. Among the smart materials are the codified bituminous materials (CBM) already patented by the University of Granada, for the construction of the autonomous vehicles in the automotive industry.

With the CBM materials it is pretended to use low cost metallic materials, as the case of steel fibres obtained from the end of life vehicle tires and steel slag, to codify the road in order to stablish a system of communication among it and the environment.

Therefore, during the activity we will be talking about the technology of the smart materials for roads, with demonstrative exercises related to a “translator for pavements” and “the first prototype of a scooter with self-guided functions” to respond to these codified smart materials. This work is the result of the team work developed between the Department of Physics and the Laboratory of Construction Engineering of the University of Granada, under the 14th project of the SMARTI European Training Network, which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie actions for research, technological development and demonstration, under grant n.721493.

So, we are not replacing the already research work done for autonomous vehicles, we want to give a role to the roads: 

The following figure shows a scheme of the system proposed for the scooter:

So, if you are here the 27th of September, I sincerely invite you to see our presentation! 

If you would like to read more about the research we had already develop in this topic, I also invite you to read and watch the following paper:

Keep in touch, 


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