
17. Thesis defense at the University of Granada

 Hi everyone, 

This is the last post of this blog.  This great opportunity I have had the opportunity to collaborate with arrived at the end. The most expected event along this time: the thesis defense. The circumstances related to the COVID-19 situation forced me to make this event and online presentation carried out the past 24th of November of 2020 at 4:00 pm Spanish time. 

Despite it could be thought that developing this event online could reduce the excitement of the presential or semi-presential event, I can say that it was one of the most emotive and exciting events in my life, more beautiful than I could think I was going to be. My family and friends in Costa Rica and other countries could attend and be there to support me, so that was even better from my point of view. I have a strong feeling of gratitude and pride for the wonderful people I have always had in my life and the people this experience has added to this list. I feel very happy for everything I have been able to achieve so far, learning to respect and enforce my rhythm and my goals.

I had the privilege to have an extraordinary evaluation committee. Dr. German Martinez Montes of the University of Granada, Spain, Dr. Ana Jimenez del Barco Carrion of the University of Granada, Spain, Dr. Luis Guillermo Loria Salazar of the University of Costa Rica, Dr. Ana Maria Rodriguez Alloza of the University of La Laguna, Spain, and Dr. Davide Lo Presti of the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom and the University of Palermo, Italy. 

So that, I would like to share with you all some memories of the event:

Thank you very much for your reading along this time.

ESR14 - PLP.

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